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  • phone 91 820 20 20 | 797 702 401
  • open hours 10:00 - 17:00

Do you know what the diamond shaped „SAFETY – PATIENT– PROCEDURE – SURGEON – FACILITY” emblems on the uniforms of all our staff mean?

It is an informal accreditation afforded to our Clinic by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). With care for patient safety ISAPS defined four factors which have to be taken into account:

PATIENT - the overall condition and state of health of every patient has to be checked before a potential procedure or operation. A comprehensive interview and tests are required prior to an operation. Risk factors such as being overweight, diabetes, smoking and high blood pressure should be taken into account.

PROCEDURE - type of surgery selected by a patient. Patients should be informed on the real risks carried by some procedures. As an example abdominoplasty carries a greater risk of complications occurring than other procedures.

SURGEON - the qualifications and technical abilities of a surgeon significantly influence patient safety. A surgeons extensive long term experience combined with an appropriate specialisation minimises the potential risk of complications occurring. We would discourage opting from even seemingly simple procedures at surgeries which lack in appropriately qualified and educated staff. Before making an appointment it is always worthwhile to ask about the surgeon's specialisation within the scope of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

FACILITY- the venue where a procedure or operation is carried out - next to a surgeons qualification and experience - the second immensely important factor affecting the potential risk. A professional, fully equipped operating theatre, the most up to date anaesthetic machine, equipment monitoring the patients state of health, all that should be taken as a given for a facility aspiring to the name of a Plastic Surgery Clinic.

And you'll find all of the above at the AMC Clinic.

With your safety at every step of the way in mind, we not only try to live up to your expectations within the scope of first impressions, but, first and foremost, we exert maximum organizational, technical, knowledge based and personal effort to absolutely minimise risk. Your safety is paramount to us.

Our efforts and the quality of rendered services satisfies ISAPS's requirements and thus our staff are able to display the appropriate SAFETY badge.

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