Cellular matrix

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  • phone 91 820 20 20 | 797 702 401
  • open hours 10:00 - 17:00
Regeneris set has been enhanced by the addition of hyaluronic acid, which multiplies its effectiveness. The combination of these ingredients, presents for their extraordinary effectiveness, can achieve remarkable regenerative and rejuvenating effects. Hyaluronic acid acts as a matrix to rebuild skin cells causing internal moisture and nourishment. Moreover, it binds water and fills. Autologous platelet-rich plasma increases the production of collagen and pro-collagen of type I , improves the elasticity, tone and thickness of skin, stimulates proliferation of stem cells and the reconstruction of skin vessels and gives volume and fills the voids in all layers of skin. Cellular Matrix kit treatment gives a long-lasting, natural look to rejuvenated and revitalized skin. The Cellular Matrix Set was developed by the Swiss laboratory Regen Lab, a leader in the field of regeneration, and its effectiveness is confirmed by scientific research. Check prices list << back
