Facial surgery(face lifting)

Make an appointment
  • phone 91 820 20 20 | 797 702 401
  • open hours 10:00 - 17:00

Procedure based on lifting the facial skin layer and enabling the removal of redundant skin and fat tissue excess. This procedure can be performed as a full face lift, covering facial and neck correction, or a partial face lift, focusing only on correcting the face in the mandibular area. In order to obtain the most satisfying results this particular procedure is often combined with eyelid correction. Face lift does not stop the ageing process, yet it provides an effect of considerable rejuvenation, and therefore middle-aged patients are best candidates to undergo this procedure. Classic face lift covers:

  • Subcutaneous face lift (preparing the adipo-cutaneous flap within the subcutaneous layer)

  • Rotation of the flap’s stretching up and back, until ptosis reduction is obtained

  • Excess skin removal

This technique does not pose any influence on the ageing effect or on drop of deeper face and neck structures within the scope of SMAS. Incisions are guided in a manner that facilitates concealing scars. The procedure is conducted in the operating room, under general anaesthesia, with participation of anaesthesiological and surgical staff. The procedure lasts between 2 and 4 hours. The patient is required to stay in the clinic between 3 and 5 days.

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